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Early Start Photography

Early bird or night owl

Some people wake early and some stay up late. For those who don't finish watching a film until 1.30am it feels ludicrous that anyone could possibly leap out of bed before dawn, but for the others, why not simply start your film earlier? Well the truth is no-one is right or wrong. People differ in so many ways and whether you are the early bird or the night owl it may just simply be part of your make-up.

Without doubt, I fall into the early bird category. I remember when I was 14 or 15 doing my Sunday morning paper round. Whilst I don't recall much, other that the weight of all the papers, laden with heavy glossy supplements, I do remember the overriding desire to have completed my round and be back outside the shop just before it opened at 7am. These days it's often the swimming pool or out with the camera.

I have always loved the great outdoors. The fresh air, the open space, the physical challenge it presents. In todays crowded world it is perhaps a form of escapism to find a little slice of your own.


In my early twenties I had two main hobbies, rock climbing and scuba diving. You may argue that being situated in the middle of the country was not an ideal location for either but actually it meant we went everywhere and not just the area on your doorstep. I feel I have been very lucky to have visited so many beautiful parts of the UK. 


I was probably 19 when I bought my first camera, a Nikon F301 SLR, in truth I never really appreciated the full range of functions and it's ability was far greater than my knowledge. At that age I did not wish to carry it everywhere, so it was sold and replaced with a compact camera. Photography took a back seat to allow for so many other pastimes!

In 2012 I decided to rekindle my interest. The biggest decision was which camera to buy. Things had moved on considerably, we were now firmly in the digital era. Brand loyalty helped my decision and I walked away with a Nikon D5100. This time I decided to learn all about the camera functions, the many buttons and their features.

I enrolled in an online photography course with the Institute of Photography and much of my spare time was soon accounted for. It was very helpful in explaining the settings and how to use them. I finished the course with a "Highly commended". I now don't shoot on auto as I like to control what I capture, It was certainly a journey and a learning curve


I upgraded my camera to a full frame Nikon D610 halfway through my course and I have bought a few lenses along the way. They allow highly detailed shots of both landscape and nature.

The mornings can be very cold, so it is important to dress accordingly otherwise it's really not enjoyable. After 35 years working mainly outdoors in the construction industry I feel I have learnt the required skills, perhaps the hard way. Good clothing, layers, neoprene wellies, hats and gloves and whatever else it takes. It often makes that coffee taste better upon your return. A few snacks in your bag to boost morale won't go amiss either.


I live in Wendover, Buckinghamshire in the heart of the Chiltern hills. The majority of my photos are taken within the local area, although I have a great fondness for the north Norfolk coastline with its expansive landscape.

I spend a lot of time looking at weather forecasts for work so I have a good idea as to what conditions may bring. Be it a red sky, a misty morning, fog or glorious sunshine, you still never quite know what you will wake to which I guess is part of the appeal. To witness the dawn of a new day is often an inspiring sight and a privilege.

It's not always about getting "the" shot, I've been out on several occasions with no decent images to show for a pre dawn excursion. I don't see it as a failure, if nothing else I've generally had a good walk with the place to myself, experienced the wildlife and a little nature. I'm often back home for breakfast with my family. Perhaps some of the photos will inspire you to an "Early Start" yourself one day!

I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos on this site. If you would like to purchase any of the images then please contact me for details.

Thank you for taking time to read about me

Best wishes, David Small

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